The First Stress-Free Dentist Virtual Summit
Date: October 29th, 2024
Time: 7 PM EST
Dr. Eric Block
Naren Arulrajah
Innovations in Dentistry Panel
Dr. Gordon Barfield
Dr. Aditi Agarwal
Dr. Justin Chi
Health and Wellness Panel
Dr. Richard H. Madow
Dr. Tarryn MacCarthy
Dr. Robert Pick
The Stress-Free Next Level Dentistry
Overcome Burnout and Start Loving Dentistry Again.
Are you a stressed-out dentist? You’re not alone. Many dentists suffer from anxiety, depression, and exhaustion.
Dr. Eric Block is known as The Stress-Free Dentist.
He aims to help dentists become more efficient, productive, and less stressed.
You put everything you had into dental school. Maybe you were full of drive and energy earlier in your career, but now, you hate to say it, but you are questioning your place in the profession.

You’re not alone. Dentistry is a high-stress and often thankless profession. Over time, the stress can build and lead to burnout and mental and physical health problems. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can make the necessary changes to feel healthy and love going to work again

Join our community of like-minded dentists and bring back your joy for dentistry.

- Dr. Eric Block
Listen to The Stress-Free Dentist Podcast

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